Games (ofc), movies, anime, old games & movies, music, long nails

School, heavy gore, loud noises, short nails, problematic people and basically all of my dni

before you follow
I do swear, I joke about my trauma at times, I do let people joke about my trauma but we have to be very close even then I rather you don't, I keyboard smash, and I use caps A LOT

don't follow if
if you fit the basic dni criteria, Zoophiles, racist, map, use slurs you can't reclaim, justify incest in any form, justify pedophilia, problematic in general.

I claim the slur abo (an aboriginal slur) and i make jokes like "Go smell petrol" (an aboriginal stereotype) but i only say it to my other aboriginal friends to joke around

Twdg (The walking dead games), Resident evil, The last of us, Fatal frame, pjski, Mortal kombat, Injustice 2, Sally face, Life is strange, The quarry, Omori, Danganronpa.

Camp camp, South park, Acrane, Young justice, The owl house.